Bureau of Land Management Wild Horse and Burro Notice of Funding Opportunity

IB 2023-014
Information Bulletin
In Reply Refer To:

4700 (HQ-260) P

To:All Headquarters and Field Office Officials
Attn:Wild Horse and Burro Staff
From:Assistant Director, Resources and Planning
Subject:Bureau of Land Management Wild Horse and Burro Notice of Funding Opportunity
Information Bulletin:

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is providing a funding opportunity to work with partners and in close collaboration with States, Tribes, other Federal agencies, and other organizations to support critical activities important to the management of wild horses and burros. Proposed projects will focus on one of the two main categories of management within the Wild Horse and Burro Program: On-Range Activities and Off-Range Activities

The On-Range Activities focus on achieving and/or maintaining appropriate management levels in wild horse and burro herd management areas and a thriving natural ecological balance on BLM-managed rangelands, through a shared conservation and stewardship approach including field application of fertility control, land health monitoring, and/or work related to habitat resiliency.   

The Off-Range Activities focus on assisting the BLM with private care placements and post-placement inspections through activities such as training, private care events (adoptions/sales), compliance inspections of adopted animals and/or educational/outreach events. 

Applicants are required to select from one of the two categories and identify under that category at least one activity. Applicants should expect the BLM to have substantial involvement in the project and may propose to partner with BLM field, district or headquarter offices. Interested applicants are encouraged to contact the BLM subject matter expert in the relevant office where the proposed work would take place to discuss the types of projects that are available, and whether they meet the requirements under this funding opportunity.

Once proposals are received by the stated deadline, applications will be screened by the BLM Grants Management Officer to ensure that applications meet basic eligibility requirements. Depending on the specifics of the funding opportunity, screening may include, but is not limited to, the following: timely submission of required documentation; verification that program and/or legislative authority requirements have been met; and a properly executed application package is completed and included. Applications must also satisfy basic eligibility screening requirements to be considered for further review.

This opportunity does not include long-term care for wild horses and burros in corrals and pastures or research activities related to wild horses and burros.

Applicants are encouraged to contact the wild horse and burro program lead at the BLM State, district or field office where the work is proposed to take place with any questions. If the project is national in scope, applicants are also encouraged to contact Hollé Waddell at hwaddell@blm.gov. To learn more, or for instructions on how to submit a proposal, visit Grants.gov.

Signed By:
David Jenkins
Assistant Director
Resources and Planning
Authenticated By:
Ambyr Fowler
Division of Regulatory Affairs and Directives (HQ-630)