Women In Wellness: Janae Bell of Goddess and the Moon On The Five Lifestyle Tweaks That Will Help Support People’s Journey Towards Better Wellbeing

Authority Magazine Editorial Staff
Authority Magazine
Published in
11 min readMar 2, 2023


Express love to yourself, nature, and everyone else around you. We wouldn’t have the sun, moon, stars, or relationships that fulfill us, teach us, and inspire us if we didn’t have love. In showing love to ourselves, we set an example for how we want others to treat us. When it comes to our love for nature, we gain beauty, life, and a bond that can only be found through love. By showing love to others, we are showing how we feel about ourselves. We don’t have to receive love in order to give it, and we attract others that think the same way we do.

As a part of my series about women in wellness, I had the pleasure of interviewing Janae Bell. A moon guide by nature, Janae loves to manifest with the moon, practice yoga, and meditate. As a yoga and meditation instructor with 200 hours of training at the My Vinyasa Practice Institute, she uses the moon as a tool to achieve her goals and align with her highest self. Through this, she created Goddess and the Moon, a moon circle project where she gathers with others in circle to open their hearts to one another, share, explore, and heal through the magic of lunar rituals. She strives to help others find their inner magic through every circle she holds.

Thank you so much for joining us in this interview series! Our readers would love to “get to know you” better. Can you share your “backstory” with us?

Well, The Universe has always intrigued me and I have always had a vivid imagination ever since I was a small girl. As a child, I was fascinated by fairytales, mysticism, and folklore, and I would always find mythology books at school… reading about gods and goddesses and Hercules. As a result of going through really tough times and unable to focus on my imagination anymore, those memories became deeply buried in my subconscious. The divorce between my parents, my struggles with self-image in high school, and the senseless relationships with boys that broke my heart caused me to lose myself. In order to wake up, my entire life had to come crashing down, as I was so far removed from my soul as a result of self-hatred and deep society programming and conditioning. On top of all of that, I worked in the costumes department of the movie industry for four years, and I experienced burnout after working 60–80 hours a week on several films. I neglected my health and spiritual well-being because my work schedule was so hectic. There are no easy days in the film industry, there are no days off until you are off a production, and the money is so addicting that you may sacrifice your relationships, health, and well-being in order to make it. I knew deep down that film wasn’t my passion, so I decided I didn’t want to live this way anymore. Although I tried so hard to fit into the mold, trying to convince myself that I should remain and rise up the ladder in order to become an assistant costume designer, I began having a spiritual awakening and my spirit was calling me to live a more balanced life. Eventually, I decided to expand my practice of yoga and became a certified yoga instructor and meditation teacher. I also began leading moon circles at my home and they went so well that I felt compelled to expand them out to the community, leading me to host moon circles at different venues and yoga studios across Atlanta.

Can you share the most interesting story that happened to you since you started your career? What were the main lessons or takeaways from that story?

I would say the most interesting story that has happened is how easy it was for me to manifest and grow a community so quickly. Here I was at home doing these moon rituals on my own thinking it was totally normal and that everyone else did them- but in reality, a lot of people don’t know about the phases of the moon and the powerful, energetic effects it has on us! In the beginning, when I began hosting moon circles in public, I was amazed by the fascination and vulnerability people displayed. After starting this all just a year ago, I think the main lesson I’ve learned is that this is my purpose and I am being pushed and nudged by the Universe to fulfill it.

It has been said that our mistakes can be our greatest teachers. Can you share a story about a mistake you made when you were first starting? Can you tell us what lesson you learned from that?

It was more of a realization than a mistake, but I tried to quit my job in film before I was ready. I thought I could do the starving artist thing, which makes sense for some people, but not for me. I still have responsibilities and money I need to make before I can fully step back from working in film, but I have learned that patience is a virtue and as I keep building Goddess and the Moon slowly, I am getting closer and closer to achieving my dream — which is to help people find and master their soul through tools and modalities like the moon.

Let’s jump to our main focus. When it comes to health and wellness, how is the work you are doing helping to make a bigger impact in the world?

I would say my forte is guiding individuals to peace, harmony, and tranquility through my workshops and individual practices. Each full and new Moon, moon circle ceremonies are held to celebrate the lunar cycle’s powerful energy. Through it, we learn how to align and manifest our dreams. Moon circles are a space for setting intentions, clearing energy, gaining clarity, working through fears, and connecting with ourselves through ritual and communal energy. As the moon offers unique connections to the mind and soul, its phases can also be used to align your physical body with your spirit. By utilizing the emotional aspect of the moon, you are not necessarily working out, but rather working in- encouraging you to go deep into your subconscious and call forth your desires and let go of what is no longer serving you. Moon circles are a way to share communally in a sacred space, interacting with individuals who share the same values, while feeling a sense of belonging and being able to hold each other’s space in a respectful way. They are a place to give and receive support, and to provide self-care to the tender parts of us that want to be seen and heard as we heal together.

When attending my moon circles, there are 4 main important parts:

Movement, meditation, journaling, and ritual-work

We connect and ground ourselves in our bodies, which helps prepare us to move into our minds.

We incorporate a quick yoga flow into our movement portion of the moon circle, which is intended to ground you and to demonstrate how you can do the same in your own moon ritual at home.

My guided meditations guides you on a journey of self-discovery through imagining and reflection, followed by journaling prompts to take you even further.

Lastly, our ritual-work involves sharing sacred space and being vulnerable with one another.

Hosting therapeutic classes, moon circles, meditation, and various yoga flows provides me with an outlet of peace and ease that I realized I could offer to others looking to do the same in influencing healthier, less stressful lives.

Can you share your top five “lifestyle tweaks” that you believe will help support people’s journey towards better wellbeing? Please give an example or story for each.

  1. Put the 1% in every single day. There are times when I put so much energy and effort into Goddess and the Moon that I have a bit of imposter syndrome and wonder, “what’s the point?” And then I host a moon circle, and it is always so obvious. I would say that if you put 1% into your dreams and vision each day, you will get closer and closer to it. You’ll look back months or even years later and thank yourself for the small efforts that you took each day that created big outcomes for the future.
  2. Move your body. Whatever that looks like for you. Take good care of your body, whether you’re doing yoga, cardio, pilates, or boxing. Feel how strong your muscles and cells are, and build strength. You’re going to have your body for the rest of your lifetime. Look after it.
  3. Eat clean. A healthy diet brings joy to not only the body, but also to the soul, for food is our life force. In order for our world to survive, we must have energy to sustain ourselves, and food is fuel.
  4. Meditate once a day. Our relationship with our physical and spiritual bodies are enhanced by meditation. When we go deep within, we reach a part of our mind that guides us in our daily lives. If you spend just five minutes a day finding peace, calmness, and stillness, you will see how everything around you reflects the way you think. Even just breathing in solitude can change your entire life and what you bring into it.
  5. Express love to yourself, nature, and everyone else around you. We wouldn’t have the sun, moon, stars, or relationships that fulfill us, teach us, and inspire us if we didn’t have love. In showing love to ourselves, we set an example for how we want others to treat us. When it comes to our love for nature, we gain beauty, life, and a bond that can only be found through love. By showing love to others, we are showing how we feel about ourselves. We don’t have to receive love in order to give it, and we attract others that think the same way we do.

If you could start a movement that would bring the most amount of wellness to the most amount of people, what would that be?

It is my mission to start a moon movement which is all about aligning with the moon, living in its phases, harnessing its energy, and making huge energetic shifts. As the moon’s gravitational pull here on Earth affects the tides of our oceans and is constantly ebbing and flowing, so are our thoughts and feelings, and we can use this as a tool to continuously check in with ourselves.

What are your “5 Things I Wish Someone Told Me Before I Started” and why?

  1. To walk before I run. As my parents never really were there, I have always had to guide myself throughout life. Thus, I wanted instant satisfaction in everything I aspired to do and become, and always wanting to skip the steps. Rushing, though, means you don’t learn much along the way. The journey itself is the most valuable lesson.
  2. It’s okay to ask for help. At the end of the day, no one can accomplish their dreams or goals alone. We are a society of thinkers, dreamers, and doers. Each one of us has a gift that can help, motivate, and inspire others. For example, I am not very good at social media/marketing. However, I know there are people out there that are passionate about it and I can seek help if necessary.
  3. If you want to be an entrepreneur, have your money and priorities in order first. This was, and still is big for me. And it goes back to walking before running. If you are seeking to leave your job and start your own business, make sure you have enough funds to fall back on to help keep you afloat while you manifest your dream. I wish I was told to be a little more patient and to find more of a work/life balance. It took me leaving film, returning, and leaving again, to returning to smaller productions that aren’t as draining, that I finally realized I just need to accept jobs that would earn me money, but give me enough time to pursue my passion. This is the beauty of working freelance.
  4. Don’t get so wrapped up in your work that it becomes an obsession, spend time with those you love. Building something great is a process in which we tend to want to keep working day after day, hour after hour, and this can lead to our relationships being neglected. We need each other, and it’s important to have balance and to know it’s okay to take time off to go to the movies and spend time with those we love.
  5. Remember your purpose and never lose sight of it. We aren’t given a passion and a gift for no reason. We are meant to live out everything we desire and to share it with others. Sometimes things can get tough, and it’s easier to give up than to keep going, but when you push on, you realize you have the world at your feet.

Sustainability, veganism, mental health, and environmental changes are big topics at the moment. Which one of these causes is dearest to you, and why?

Well all of these are super important to me! But I would say sustainability is the most dear to me. The work I have done on my mental health has been really important in guiding me to feel incredibly passionate about sustainability. Connecting to your soul connects you to the universe- and the universe is the creator of nature, the creator of this earth, and by taking care of the earth, we are taking care of our souls. It is just as important to love the earth as it is to love yourself. You can show your appreciation for life and for nature through recycling, eating vegetarian/vegan, boycotting fast fashion, to even how you pick your laundry detergent and wash your clothes and so much more.

What is the best way for our readers to further follow your work online?

Get connected through instagram: www.instagram.com/goddess_andthemoon

My website: www.goddess-andthemoon.com

My email: janae@goddess-andthemoon.com

Goddess and the Moon will be hosting the following events in March:

Virtual moon circles:

March 7- Virgo Full Moon // https://www.eventbrite.com/e/online-moon-circle-and-meditation-for-the-virgo-full-moon-tickets-554762037187

March 20- Spring Equinox Circle // https://www.eventbrite.com/e/online-spring-equinox-movement-and-meditation-circle-tickets-554777884587

March 21 — Aries New Moon // https://www.eventbrite.com/e/online-moon-circle-and-meditation-for-the-aries-new-moon-tickets-554786390027

In-person moon circles in Atlanta:

March 11- Virgo Full Moon circle at Sati Yoga // https://www.eventbrite.com/e/goddess-and-the-moon-full-moon-circle-tickets-560021026967?aff=ebdssbdestsearch

March 12- Virgo Full Moon circle at Cultured South // https://www.eventbrite.com/e/goddess-the-moon-full-and-new-moon-circles-tickets-558995760367?aff=ebdsoporgprofile

March 18- Spring Equinox Circle at Sati Yoga // registration will be up soon

March 19- Spring Equinox Circle at Cultured South // registration will be up soon

March 25- Aries New Moon Circle at Sanskrit Moon Yoga // registration will be up soon

March 26- Aries New Moon Circle at Cultured South // https://www.eventbrite.com/e/goddess-the-moon-full-and-new-moon-circles-tickets-558995760367?aff=ebdsoporgprofile

Additional flyers and registration links for in person circles will be announced on my website and Instagram.

Thank you for these fantastic insights! We wish you continued success and good health.

